参考来自 http://www.jonefox.com/blog/2009/05/21/internet-explorer-and-the-innerhtml-property/
function replace_html(el, html) { if( el ) { var oldEl = (typeof el === "string" ? document.getElementById(el) : el); var newEl = document.createElement(oldEl.nodeName); // Preserve any properties we care about (id and class in this example) newEl.id = oldEl.id; newEl.className = oldEl.className; //set the new HTML and insert back into the DOM newEl.innerHTML = html; if(oldEl.parentNode) oldEl.parentNode.replaceChild(newEl, oldEl); else oldEl.innerHTML = html; //return a reference to the new element in case we need it return newEl; } };
replace_html(“div_id”,”<div>here is html data<div>”);