和本文一样的内容 是 这里
vc09 = Visual Studio 2008
vc10 = Visual Studio 2010
vc11 = Visual Studio 2012 2012
vc12 = Visual Studio 2013 2013
vc14 = Visual Studio 2015 2015
vc15 = Visual Studio 2017
VC11, VC14 & VC15
More recent versions of PHP are built with VC11, VC14 or VC15 (Visual Studio 2012, 2015 or 2017 compiler respectively) and include improvements in performance and stability.
– The VC11 builds require to have the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 x86 or x64 installed
– The VC14 builds require to have the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 x86 or x64 installed
– The VC15 builds require to have the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017 x64 or x86 installed
TS and NTS
TS refers to multithread capable builds. NTS refers to single thread only builds. Use case for TS binaries involves interaction with a multithreaded SAPI and PHP loaded as a module into a web server. For NTS binaries the widespread use case is interaction with a web server through the FastCGI protocol, utilizing no multithreading (but also for example CLI).